Monday, September 10, 2012

Text as Image Project

How to do it:

ARTDM 117                                                                                            

Text as Image Project
Create an image using only text that describes the story:
"The Tell Tale Heart" by Edgar Allen Poe.
1. Read the story twice.

2. The second time you read the story have your sketchbook handy and note down the names of the principal characters, key phrases spoken and the plot of the story.

3. After you have completed the second review of the story and made notes, on two separate pages of your sketchbook try grouping and arranging the information into different combinations.  Experiment with scale, direction, font, pattern and creating the illusion of depth. This can be accomplished by layering the main plot points/characters of the story on top of lesser ones.  This will create a hierarchy of lesser and greater meaning. (In Illustrator you will add color)

4. On Wednesday in class I will show one more text tool then you can begin the project. The most important thing you can do is read the story and make some notes before you come to class on Wednesday evening.

5. Set up an art board that is 8.5" X 11".

6. The entire art board must be filled.
Here is a link to the story:

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